Golang Garbage Collection
- 所占用程序的时间,停顿时间
- 频率
- CPU占比
- 内存占比(堆开销)
- 内存的分配方式(碎片化程度)
- 内存释放方式
- 并发效果
- 是否智能化(根据某些系统条件进行调节)
- 是否可以自定义化参数
- 编译期
- 运行时内存分配
- 运行时扫描
简单的refcount,比如redis,即 引用多一个,refcount就+1
mark & sweep,标记然后用监视内存的程序或者lazy清理(这个一般不会),golang现在用的就是这种
- 清理终止阶段; 暂停程序,所有的处理器在这时会进入安全点(Safe point); 如果当前垃圾收集循环是强制触发的,我们还需要处理还未被清理的内存管理单元;
- 标记阶段;
、开启写屏障、用户程序协助(Mutator Assiste)并将根对象入队; 恢复执行程序,标记进程和用于协助的用户程序会开始并发标记内存中的对象,写屏障会将被覆盖的指针和新指针都标记成灰色,而所有新创建的对象都会被直接标记成黑色; 开始扫描根对象,包括所有 Goroutine 的栈、全局对象以及不在堆中的运行时数据结构,扫描 Goroutine 栈期间会暂停当前处理器; 依次处理灰色队列中的对象,将对象标记成黑色并将它们指向的对象标记成灰色; 使用分布式的终止算法检查剩余的工作,发现标记阶段完成后进入标记终止阶段; - 标记终止阶段; 暂停程序、将状态切换至 _GCmarktermination 并关闭辅助标记的用户程序; 清理处理器上的线程缓存;
- 清理阶段; 将状态切换至 _GCoff 开始清理阶段,初始化清理状态并关闭写屏障; 恢复用户程序,所有新创建的对象会标记成白色; 后台并发清理所有的内存管理单元,当 Goroutine 申请新的内存管理单元时就会触发清理;
1. 编译阶段
内存对齐 略,这个可以参考自己的memManage
初始化一些字段 我们直接
type _type struct {
ptrdata uintptr // size of memory prefix holding all pointers
// gcdata stores the GC type data for the garbage collector.
// If the KindGCProg bit is set in kind, gcdata is a GC program.
// Otherwise it is a ptrmask bitmap. See mbitmap.go for details.
gcdata *byte
type testStruct struct{
ptr uintptr//8
A uint8 //1
B *uint8//8
C uint32//4
D *uint64//8
E uint64//8
*runtime._type {
size: 376, //该对象有多少个字(64位一个字=64bits=8Bytes)
ptrdata: 360, //其中的指针有多少个字
hash: 3901217204,
tflag: tflagUncommon|tflagExtraStar|tflagNamed (7),
align: 8, fieldAlign: 8,
kind: 25,
equal: nil,
gcdata: *112, //0111 0000
str: 11827,
ptrToThis: 41536}
的二进制就是0111 0000
, 而0111 0000
reverse一下就变成(0000 1110)
2 ,第2,3,4个bit为1,分别对应
2. 运行阶段
func heapBitsSetType(x, size, dataSize uintptr, typ *_type) {}
- x :
- size:
其值永远都是每次roundup(可能根据sizetoclass(可以看下memManage那篇文章))得到的大小, 但是,在分配defer块的时候不会,sizeof(defer{})可以看见至少有6个字(6*64bits=48 Bytes,64位下),可能会偏大;
为什么不用原子性保证,并发问题?注释里面给出答案: 因为每次都
- 只会从一个span里面分配空间
- span的bitmap每次都只会在规定的byte边界内(内存对齐的结果)
// There can only be one allocation from a given span active at a time,
// and the bitmap for a span always falls on byte boundaries,
// so there are no write-write races for access to the heap bitmap.
// Hence, heapBitsSetType can access the bitmap without atomics.
func heapBitsSetType(x, size, dataSize uintptr, typ *_type) {
//1. 通过分配地址反查到heap的heapBits结构
h := heapBitsForAddr(x)
ptrmask := typ.gcdata // start of 1-bit pointer mask (or GC program, handled below)
var ( ...)
hbitp = h.bitp
p = ptrmask
if p != nil {
b = uintptr(*p)
p = add1(p)
nb = 8
if typ.size == dataSize {
// Single entry: can stop once we reach the non-pointer data.
//nw = 5 = 40 / 8 ,说明扫描到第5个字段即可,因为ptrdata就是已经划定了范围[0,40]
nw = typ.ptrdata / sys.PtrSize
} else {
// Repeated instances of typ in an array.
// Have to process first N-1 entries in full, but can stop
// once we reach the non-pointer data in the final entry.
nw = ((dataSize/typ.size-1)*typ.size + typ.ptrdata) / sys.PtrSize
if nw == 0 {
// No pointers! Caller was supposed to check.
println("runtime: invalid type ", typ.string())
throw("heapBitsSetType: called with non-pointer type")
//至少要写入两个字,因为noscan 的编码要求todo???
if nw < 2 {
// Must write at least 2 words, because the "no scan"
// encoding doesn't take effect until the third word.
nw = 2
// Phase 1: Special case for leading byte (shift==0) or half-byte (shift==2).
// The leading byte is special because it contains the bits for word 1,
// which does not have the scan bit set.
// The leading half-byte is special because it's a half a byte,
// so we have to be careful with the bits already there.
switch {
throw("heapBitsSetType: unexpected shift")
case h.shift == 0:
// Ptrmask and heap bitmap are aligned.
// Handle first byte of bitmap specially.
// The first byte we write out covers the first four
// words of the object. The scan/dead bit on the first
// word must be set to scan since there are pointers
// somewhere in the object. The scan/dead bit on the
// second word is the checkmark, so we don't set it.
// In all following words, we set the scan/dead
// appropriately to indicate that the object contains
// to the next 2-bit entry in the bitmap.
// TODO: It doesn't matter if we set the checkmark, so
// maybe this case isn't needed any more.
//b是类型的,b = 0001 0100
//bitPointerAll = 0000 1111
//hb = 0000 0100
hb = b & bitPointerAll
hb |= bitScan | bitScan<<(2*heapBitsShift) | bitScan<<(3*heapBitsShift)
if w += 4; w >= nw {
goto Phase3
*hbitp = uint8(hb)
hbitp = add1(hbitp)
b >>= 4
nb -= 4
case sys.PtrSize == 8 && h.shift == 2:
// Phase 2: Full bytes in bitmap, up to but not including write to last byte (full or partial) in bitmap.
// The loop computes the bits for that last write but does not execute the write;
// it leaves the bits in hb for processing by phase 3.
// To avoid repeated adjustment of nb, we subtract out the 4 bits we're going to
// use in the first half of the loop right now, and then we only adjust nb explicitly
// if the 8 bits used by each iteration isn't balanced by 8 bits loaded mid-loop.
nb -= 4
for {
// Emit bitmap byte.
// b has at least nb+4 bits, with one exception:
// if w+4 >= nw, then b has only nw-w bits,
// but we'll stop at the break and then truncate
// appropriately in Phase 3.
hb = b & bitPointerAll
hb |= bitScanAll
if w += 4; w >= nw {
// Phase 3: Write last byte or partial byte and zero the rest of the bitmap entries.
if w > nw {
// Counting the 4 entries in hb not yet written to memory,
// there are more entries than possible pointer slots.
// Discard the excess entries (can't be more than 3).
mask := uintptr(1)<<(4-(w-nw)) - 1
hb &= mask | mask<<4 // apply mask to both pointer bits and scan bits
// Change nw from counting possibly-pointer words to total words in allocation.
nw = size / sys.PtrSize
// Write whole bitmap bytes.
// The first is hb, the rest are zero.
if w <= nw {
*hbitp = uint8(hb)
hbitp = add1(hbitp)
hb = 0 // for possible final half-byte below
for w += 4; w <= nw; w += 4 {
*hbitp = 0
hbitp = add1(hbitp)
// Write final partial bitmap byte if any.
// We know w > nw, or else we'd still be in the loop above.
// It can be bigger only due to the 4 entries in hb that it counts.
// If w == nw+4 then there's nothing left to do: we wrote all nw entries
// and can discard the 4 sitting in hb.
// But if w == nw+2, we need to write first two in hb.
// The byte is shared with the next object, so be careful with
// existing bits.
if w == nw+2 {
*hbitp = *hbitp&^(bitPointer|bitScan|(bitPointer|bitScan)<<heapBitsShift) | uint8(hb)
// Phase 4: Copy unrolled bitmap to per-arena bitmaps, if necessary.
函数实际上主要做的就是 设置 h.bitp
1. scanstack
从markroot开始,栈 、全局变量、寄存器等根对象开始扫描, 创建一个DAG,将root对象放入一个队列中;
2. scanobject
The first one is GCPercent. Basically this is a knob that adjusts how much CPU you want to use and how much memory you want to use. The default is 100 which means that half the heap is dedicated to live memory and half the heap is dedicated to allocation. You can modify this in either direction.
// Initialized from $GOGC. GOGC=off means no GC.
var gcpercent int32
//go:linkname setGCPercent runtime/debug.setGCPercent
func setGCPercent(in int32) (out int32) {
// Run on the system stack since we grab the heap lock.
systemstack(func() {
out = gcpercent
if in < 0 {
in = -1
gcpercent = in
heapminimum = defaultHeapMinimum * uint64(gcpercent) / 100
// Update pacing in response to gcpercent change.
// Pacing changed, so the scavenger should be awoken.
// If we just disabled GC, wait for any concurrent GC mark to
// finish so we always return with no GC running.
if in < 0 {
return out
- 默认值是100,意味着一半的堆会用于实时内存,另一半的堆会用来分配
MaxHeap, which is not yet released but is being used and evaluated internally, lets the programmer set what the maximum heap size should be. Out of memory, OOMs, are tough on Go; temporary spikes in memory usage should be handled by increasing CPU costs, not by aborting. Basically if the GC sees memory pressure it informs the application that it should shed load. Once things are back to normal the GC informs the application that it can go back to its regular load. MaxHeap also provides a lot more flexibility in scheduling. Instead of always being paranoid about how much memory is available the runtime can size the heap up to the MaxHeap.
- 还在实验中… 最主要提供一些监控,会提示程序内存不足;还会使调度更加灵活;
golang现在使用的是叫 三色回收的东西: 比较旧的版本: 大概步骤:
- 所有对象初始都设为 白色
- 从RootSet出发(即堆里面的对象,比如全局变量,所有的栈对象等),标记第一次所有可达到的对象为灰色 ,这个过程,这里会stop the world;
- 然后紧接着在第一个发现的各个对象上继续寻找引用这些对象的对象们,找到后(或者在这些基础上已经找不到了)就把第一次所有可达的对象转为黑色,这时会start the world; 而这些找到的对象们就标为灰色 ;
- 重复第二,三步,直到所有
主要用处是将 被覆盖的对象标记成灰色 并 在当前栈没有扫描时将新对象也标记成灰色:
writePointer(slot, ptr):
if current stack is grey:
*slot = ptr
size segregated span (分片隔离)
- garbage collector要快速地找到object的开始位置,如果能知道在某个span中的object的大小,就可以直接往下舍入查找到位置
- 更小的碎片化
- 内部结构化?
有这个一个变量: gcphase
// Garbage collector phase.
// Indicates to write barrier and synchronization task to perform.
var gcphase uint32
write barrier写屏障
// The compiler knows about this variable.
// If you change it, you must change builtin/runtime.go, too.
// If you change the first four bytes, you must also change the write
// barrier insertion code.
var writeBarrier struct {
enabled bool // compiler emits a check of this before calling write barrier
pad [3]byte // compiler uses 32-bit load for "enabled" field
needed bool // whether we need a write barrier for current GC phase
cgo bool // whether we need a write barrier for a cgo check
alignme uint64 // guarantee alignment so that compiler can use a 32 or 64-bit load
- bitmap /runtime/mbitmap.go 使用bitmap
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