Something should be noted in golang's map There is SortedMap or LinkedHashMap in Java Both can ensure the inserted order of elements, but f ** k myself, I found that Go only supports basic HashMap which means you have to do SortedMap and Link 2019-06-19 golang
Something about authentication and authorization Wat the hack is Oauth2, JWT, HTTPS??? Followings are my notes: 2019-06-05 security
class loading ##类的加载 双亲委托模型 双亲委派指的就是 类加载器需要加载类的时候,会先把请求委托给父类加载器,依次递归,如果父类能完成,就返回,只有父类或祖类等无法完成,才自己加载; JVM预定义的三个类型的加载器(classloader) Bootstrap加载器 一般在<JAVA_RUNTIME_HOME>/lib下的类库加载到内存中,因为其涉及JVM本身实现细节,使用C++实现,所以开 2019-06-05 Java