From SetTimeout to Js Scope

There’s a chinese word ‘温故而知新’.

Today I saw a code:

for (var i=1;i<=5;i++){
    setTimeout(function timer(){


And the result is:

34//a random number,it's different any time after u reopen your browser
6//run 5 times

Directly go to Solution !!!

To explain above,We begin with some of the characteristics of setTimeout ##Syntax

var timeoutID = scope.setTimeout(function[,delay,param1,param2]);

Return value

we should know about the setTimeout() return a timeoutID.

  1. this is an positive integer value
  2. this value identifies the timer created by setTimeout()(this is the reason why it’s different all the time)
  3. setTimeout() and setInterval() share the same pool of IDs,which means setInterval() may effect the timer if u use them at the same object(window or a worker);

“This” problem

Let’s first see a simpler example:

(function() {
    this.fuck = false;
    var timer = setTimeout((function() {
        this.fuck = true;
        Console.log("timeout Fuck!");

The problem of above example is : The this always refers to the this of the current scope,which changes any time I wrap something in function(){}

So there is ###one solution:

(function() {
    var symbol = this;//now refers to the Window object 
    symbol.fuck = false;
    var timer = setTimeout((function() {
        symbol.fuck = true;//still refers to the Window Object
        Console.log("timeout Fuck!");

###Second ES5 Function.prototype.bind()

(function() {
    this.fuck = false;
    var timer = setTimeout((function() {
        this.fuck = true;
        Console.log("timeout Fuck!");
    }).bind(this),3000);//bind the scope

###Third ES6 [Arrow Function()]

(function() {
    this.fuck = false;
    var timer = setTimeout(()=> {
        this.fuck = true;
        Console.log("timeout Fuck!");
    },3000);//no binding in Arrow Functions!!!

I think now it’s clear that why the first code resulted in that, The solution:

###The 1stQ solution

for (var i=1;i<=5;i++){
    (function(i){//1.set the self-invoking anonymous function to set the scope
        setTimeout(function timer(){
    })(i)//2.Then call the value of i 

Also u can try this,result is the same:

for (var i=1;i<=5;i++){
    setTimeout((function timer(i){
        return function(){//set return value as an anonymous function